Empower families to find and enroll in care quickly
Giving families access to information about all the providers in their area allows them to find, choose, and enroll in child care that meets their needs.
Display real-time openings to families
Help families find available care faster by allowing providers to report openings that are immediately visible to families.
Free advertising for care providers
Many providers don’t have the time or capacity to maintain a website. We provide a user-friendly way to advertise to families at no cost to providers.
Report on supply and demand of care
Using family search data such as age of care needed and specialized care options, your team can accurately report on the demand of care in your community. With real-time openings you can access supply of care metrics.
Module details
Request a tour
Interested families can book a tour of a child care location based on the provider’s tour schedule.
Set provider publishing permissions
While you’ll want to encourage providers to share photos, virtual tours, and curriculum, you can restrict them from editing information like their license number or state quality rating.
Link to additional state resources
The module allows your team to post links, resources, and FAQs for families to enhance their search for care.
Designed to be inclusive of all families
Search for care by home, work, various methods of transportation (including public transit), and filter to programs that offer specific services or schedules.
Favorites list
Parents can curate a list of their favorite child care locations. When openings become available, they will automatically be notified.
Submit real-time openings via text
Busy providers can report openings via text to simplify the process of both managing a business and caring for children.
Case studies
Review real-world examples of our platform in action.
Related modules
ECE agencies and organizations often bundle several other modules with this one to create a comprehensive solution package.
Related solutions
We bundle modules together in the most common configurations to give you a quick starting point for building your custom ECE solution.
Want to learn more? Talk to one of our ECE specialists.
We are eager to learn about your community and design a solution that meets your needs. Let’s jump in!

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